We are delighted to announce the 2024 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$2,500 + publication + agency review
Sofi Stambo, “Long Story Short”

Finalists – $100
Jay Ellis, “Oranges”
Madelena Grossmann, “The Man at the Bus Stop”
David Ryan, “Cyclorama”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2024 results of
LitMag’s Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
First Place
$1,250 + publication + agency review
Caitlin Scarano, “Rainwashed Blue”

Finalists – $100
Cynthia Damon, “Baby Boy Davidson”
Hannah Roberts, “Last Tango in Prescott”
Sharon Wahl, “Francine”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2023 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$2,500 + publication + agency review
Eliza Gilbert, “Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys”
Finalists – $100
Greg Ames, “Hello Petro” (publication)
Catherine Kim, “Leang” (publication)
Kent Nelson, “The Canyon of Unkown Water”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2023 results of
LitMag’s Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
First Place
$1,250 + publication + agency review
Nadia Born, “The Prohibition”
Finalists – $100
Cory Brown, “Giant Sequoias” (publication)
Drew Coles, “Polycephaly”
Kim Henderson, “Mansion Apartment Shack House”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2022 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$2,500 + publication + agency review
Alexander Almaguer, “Cypress Junction”
Finalists – $100
Tehila Lieberman, “Out of Babylon”
Gina Ochsner, “Shadowlands” (publication)
Ellen Wilbur, “Jim”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2022 results of
LitMag’s Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
First Place
$1,250 + publication + agency review
Caroline Kim, “The End of the Dynasty”

Finalists – $100
Jared Carlson, “Invention”
William Hawkins, “Easter Morning”
Delano S. C. Parisi, “The Immortal Ontologist in the Apocalypse” (publication)
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2021 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$2,500 + publication + agency review
Laura Rockefeller, “The Woman on the Point”

Finalists – $100
Omer Friedlander, “An Incomplete List of the Things Stolen from My Family” (publication)
Rachel Galvin, “Zipporah’s Pimple (A True Story in the Time of Plague)”
Steve Mitchel, “The Return of the Capellmeister” (publication)
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2021 results of
LitMag’s Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
First Place
$1,250 + publication + agency review
Chloe Chun Seim, “Taco Bell Is Coming for Gypsum, Kansas”

Finalists – $100
Annie Dawid, “Danse Sacrée, Danse Profane”
David Petruzelli, “Havana Lost”
Michael Tuohy, “Pingo Peril”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2020 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$3,500 + publication + agency review
R. D. Puller, “So Ezra He Became”

Second Place
$1,000 + publication + agency review
Eliezra Schaffzin, “Seesaw”
Finalists – $100
Josephine Bruni, “Say It with Flowers”
Tracy Daugherty, “Clara Mullin”
Karin Lin-Greenberg, “Still Life”
Jazelle Jajeh, “The Bronze Age”
Gabriel Moseley, “Night Song”
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2020 results of
LitMag’s Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
First Place
$1,250 + publication + agency review
J.G. Parisi, “The Garbage Dump Veteran Museum and Gallery,” California

Finalists – $100
Angel Lindes, “Loggers,” Utah
Ann Markel, “Planet Bob,” New York
Bob Thurber, “Long White Banner,” Massachusettes
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2019 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$3,500 + publication + agency review
Celeste Mohammed, “Santimanitay,” Trinidad

Second Place
$1,000 + agency review
Rachel Holbrook, “The Girl from the Trailer Park,” Tennessee
Finalists – $100
Anna Badken, “An Appointment in Samarra,” New York
Lauren Green, “Runaways,” Texas
Laura Newman, “Swisher Sweets,” Nevada
Paul Newsam, “The Old One-Two Combination,” Boston
Sarah Timmer Harvey, “Silver Darlings,” New York
We thank everyone who entered the contest!
We are delighted to announce the 2018 results of
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction
First Place
$3,500 + publication + agency review
Meghan O’Toole, “Abditory,” Elmhurst, Illinois

Second Place
$1,000 + agency review